1. Each team will consist of three players from the current 2009 Major League rosters.
2. Each manager will pick whichever three players he wants for his squad. THERE IS NO DRAFT! Over the course of the long season no two teams will end up with the same roster.
3. The length of the season is exactly the same as the major league season.
4. The scoring is as follows; each player gets 1 point for each home run he hits and 1 point for each run he bats in. The total of the HRs and RBIs for the three men on your team is the total score for your team.
5. Each owner is granted unlimited substitutions for injured players.
6. Each owner is granted 6 additional roster moves. These moves can be used at any time during the season to replace an underachieving player. However, once an owner has used all six roster moves, then that owner can only replace a player due to injury.
7. All teams must be submitted to me, The Commissioner by April 5, 2009. The MLB regular season starts on April 6th 2009.8. Have fun!!!!